Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CFDA Notes from Meeting 9/16/10

Ø Advertisement Radio Blurb:

State the two main goals of the CFDA:
       1. To raise awareness of people with mental/physical disabilities
       2. Make recommendations for how Rutgers can be more disability-friendly

Ø    Challenge to be Challenged Day Ideas:

 -Have students around campus participate in using mobility devices or put a blindfold on to see what it is like to get around campus with a disability
- Send out an email to specific organizations on campus to participate in this event

Ø   Fundraiser at The Victor to raise money and awareness:
-Sometime in October (possibly the Thurs. or Fri. before Halloween)
-Joint fundraiser with another club or organization on campus

Ø    Ideas for Changes on Campus:

-Cafeteria menu and room numbers available in Braille or audio devices for the blind
-Automatic Doors for the bathroom
-Fixing cracks in the pavement

Next Meeting- Thursday 9-23-10 at 12:30 in Armitage 201

Friday, September 17, 2010

CFDA Notes from Meeting 9/9/10


Ø     Class Announcement/Promotion of CFDA
·         Post flyers on bulletin boards
·         30 second announcement of CFDA,  Fact: there is a growing population  of students w/disabilities attending Rutgers, suggestions that can help a great deal through common courtesies such as:
1.      Leaving classroom doors open for the first 10mins of class, so that students w/disabilities have ample time, as well as a easy transition into classroom
2.      Leaving the seat closest to the door vacant, so students w/disabilities can have easy transition into classroom w/o disruptions
3.      Pamphlet that contains information about various disabilities, how many people suffer from disabilities in the world, the U.S. and Rutgers –Camden
Ø  Events/Programs
1.      CHALLENGE  to be Challenged
·         Students will get the opportunity to walk in the shoes of disabled students, through experiential games and tasks. Students will utilize crutches, wheelchairs, etc, and will have to do several things such as open doors, take a seat, while using disability aids

Ø  Inform Advisors/Rutgers Superior of reversible challenges
1.   take pictures of inconvenient access areas on campus
2.   bring it to the attention of the following
·         SGA
·         Pat Wallace/Monique
·         Mary Beth
·         Public Safety, etc